Here is the new flyer from Career and Counselling Service, with lots of workshops to choose from.
Author: InterSECtion
With projects such as ‘Breakthrough Starshot’, interstellar exploration is suddenly becoming more of a reality. However, the starships of the future won’t look anything like Star Trek’s Enterprise. At DSTART we integrate engineering, architecture and biology to develop evolvable space technology. We would love to hear if anyone from your community is interested in this! We use a very open collaborative approach, with a weekly work session (details below).
DSTART was launched by Angelo Vermeulen, a space systems researcher, biologist and community artist working on his PhD here at TU Delft. In 2013 he was Crew Commander of the NASA-funded HI-SEAS Mars simulation in Hawaii. From 2011-2012 he was a member of the European Space Agency Topical Team Arts & Science (ETTAS). He currently holds positions in two space companies (IPStar and LIQUIFER Systems Group).
When? Each Monday from 4pm-6pm
Where? TPM, Room B1.300
More Info? Angelo Vermeulen,, +32485711556
In an increasingly difficult employment market, young people need to differentiate themselves. We have a great opportunity for young people learn key skills such as effective leadership, teamworking, time management, effective networking, creative problem solving, etc… all of this for FREE (excluding lunches and coffees).
We recently announced this year’s series of three days ‘Ent-Ex Entrepreneurial skills development’ programme. The first workshop will be in The Hague (2 – 4 May).
Thanks to the support of our member company CB&I and the support of the Haagse Hogeschool, we are able to offer participation fees for FREE (participants will have to pay 60€ to cover their breakfasts, lunches and coffees). In order to make the workshop interactive, places are limited.
More details about this workshop in The Hague on 2nd-4th May can be found here.
Here is the new flyer from Career and Counselling Service, with lots of workshops to choose from.
Just in time: the new flyer for February!
Ho Ho Ho.. Christmas is not even here, and there it is already, the new flyer for the new year!
Or at least, for the first month
Enjoy the holidays!
Career and Counselling
** For English, scroll down **
Heb jij je scriptie geschreven over familiebedrijven en denk je dat je in aanmerking komt voor de Ten Clarenwater Thesis Award? Lees dan onderstaande goed door. We nodigen je van harte uit deel te nemen en je scriptie in te sturen.
Er zijn twee prijzen te vergeven: één voor een scriptie op bachelor niveau en één voor een scriptie op master niveau. Zowel Nederlandstalige als Engelstalige scripties mogen worden ingestuurd. Daarnaast maakt het niet uit welke opleiding je hebt gevolgd. Het multidisciplinaire karakter van het onderwerp familiebedrijf maakt dat interessante inzichten kunnen ontstaan vanuit zowel economisch, bedrijfskundig, juridisch, psychologisch en sociaal perspectief. Studenten over de hele wereld zijn uitgenodigd om hun werk in te sturen. De winnaars worden beloond met een geldbedrag van €2.500,= plus een publicatie in de Ten Clarenwater thesisreeks.
Voor meer informatie kun je kijken op:
** English Version **
Ten Clarenwater Thesis Award
Have you written a thesis about family companies and do you think you are eligible for the Ten Clarenwater Thesis Award? Then please read the following carefully. We cordially invite you to participate and to submit your thesis.
Two prizes will be awarded: one for a thesis at Bachelor’s level and one for a thesis at Master’s level. It does not matter which study programme you followed. Since family companies are a multidisciplinary topic, interesting insights can arise from economic, business, legal, psychological and social perspectives. Students worldwide are invited to submit their work: the winners will be awarded prize money of €2,500 and their thesis will be published in the Ten Clarenwater thesis series.
More information can be found at: